Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Avengers: The Replacements- A Comic for Kids Who Hate Reading

Parker, J. (2007). The avengers: The replacements. Edina: Marvel.

The Replacements is a graphic novel that might be used as a last resort for a teacher who absolutely cannot get a student to read. The plot of the story involves a group of superheroes who have been replaced by seemingly newer, better machines. However, when the machines stop working correctly, the superheroes must go and save the day. As in all comics, the good guys win, and the world is safe once again.

Although it does have a clear plot line, the amount of reading required in this book is minimal. It would probably be interesting to students who struggle with reading or don't like to read for one reason or another, because it has many illustrations to go along with the plot line. The reading level and content level are both very low, as the book is basically a cartoon with words. It doesn't address many cultural or emotional issues for students, and it should probably be used primarily as a tool to get a stubborn student to read.

This book would probably be a good one to put on the shelf for students to read when they have time. I wouldn't suggest assigning it for a class for any age level, but even young elementary students would be able to understand its plot and the issues invovled.

I didn't like this book as much as others I've read, but I can see where some students might. It was basically a comic strip, and I felt like I was watching Saturday morning cartoons. I probably won't be finishing the series.


Lindsay Smith said...
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Lindsay Smith said...

I understand that you would not assign this book for a whole class read or a literature circle, but like you said, I'm sure this book would be a great tool to have for a student who does not want to read ANYTHING! (and i'm sure we will encounter this!) I wonder if this book could be a bridge to any other 'smaller' books. It would be great if you could start a reluctant reader off with this graphic novel and progress to longer graphic novels and then into deeper literary novels.

Thank you for your review!!!